Well, the time has arrived to dust this thing off.
October has been a busy month in every arena of my life, and I'm teeming with excitement at what has been accomplished and put away, what is still in progress, and whatever comes next.
Next month I'll be participating in National Novel Writing Month for the first time, and attempting to write a novel! It's shaping up to be a murder mystery/drama, and it's really hard to shut my mind off and do other things as my imagination runs wild with story ideas! I strongly recommend that you check out NaNoWriMo for yourself, whether as a writer, a supporter, or just a fan of writing, books, and words.
I've been clearing away a lot of loose ends in preparation for NaNo, where the goal is to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. That's about 1,667 words per day. Recent experimentation has shown me that I can write about 500 words per hour, with research time, a little Facebooking, and dawdling thrown in there. So I'm thinking ahead to 2-3 hours of solid writing per day, on average. Considering that I have commitments every Wednesday and Friday night, plus a full-time job and a stellar boyfriend that I really love spending time with, this is going to be an interesting exercise in commitment and time management.
So I have finished other personal writing projects, balanced my checkbook, done all the laundry, cleaned my car, bought some groceries, and stocked up on my daily medications. Stellar boyfriend and I are taking a long-weekend road trip in a few days, which will be a nice break from routine to relax and have some fun after a couple of high-intensity weeks at work, and before the fingertip-grinding typing of 50,000 words starts on November 1st.
Local friends, there will be a gathering of NaNo participants from the area on November 1st at the Barnes & Noble in Newington at 7pm. Bring a laptop, tablet, Moleskine, granite & chisel, tattoo gun, whatever you need to write with. It's going to be amazing.
Holy shit - I'm behaving like a writer.
It's going to be amazing.